JAAAGOOO!!! Seems like the logo of Nescafe!! Isn't it!!!!! But it literally means JAAAGOOO!!! Jaagoo Pakistan. We hear Pakistani youth saying "what's there in Pakistan?" , "what did Pakistan give us?" , "Pakistan tou ha hi Asia!!" , Pakistan is as it is because me , you and all of us made it this way! We don't follow rules , we don't make queues , we don't properly use bus stops , we break signals , we set vehicles on fire , we destroy buildings , we give bribe , we accept bribe , we cheat in exams, we disobey teachers and yet we say "Pakistan tou ha hi Aisa!!".Its not Pakistan dat is 'aisa' its we who are 'Asia'!!
Pakistan is not only a country or a piece of land, it is an ideology, a dream.... gone sour, a wish.... not fulfilled!!. Pakistan's foundation is the two nation theory. A theory that explains clearly that Hindus and Muslims are two different nations, their language, religion, culture, way of living is entirely different. Quaid-e-azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah asked for a separate country so that Muslims could offer prayers without any fear and yet bomb explode at our religious places, he longed for a land where we could perform our rituals with peace and unity and here we can't celebrate eid on the same day, he struggled for a country where we could live with love and harmony and here we hate other ethnicities and crack jokes on them!! Quaid-e-azam thought of a land which would have its own culture, values, language and a distinguish identity but one day we heard Ingira Gandhi saying "we have thrown the two nation theory in the bay of Bengal!". Then another one said "we have conquered Pakistan through our films" and we kept watching and adopting their culture. Jaagoo Pakistan. Make your own identity. Don't adopt their's.
We are not a poor country but a poorly managed country just stand and take you positions, No matter how younger and weaker you are just take the initiative, Let elders follow your steps, We Are Not against the system but the people who is destroying the system and if you want to see an outer change then change your selves from within, Start it from now feel proud to fulfill your responsibilities and obligation. Don’t think this task is unachievable! Nothing is impossible especially for the youth which is largest in population in the world right now. Realize your duties and perform them. Never underestimate the power of ONE. One person can definitely ignite a change and let that one person be YOU!!
Legacy of the Great Sikander-e-Azam has for long has been embossed in the history. His achievements, exploration and victories are unprecedented and have left an indelible mark of his persona for generations to come.
When his armies perished the Russian Empire some of the captured prisoners of war were brought to the court of Alexander the Great. Disparagingly mocking the prisoners said “Alexander We Russians fight for Integrity; we pity you because you and your armies have always fought for wealth. The reply Alexander gave to them was exemplary he said “Everybody fights for things that they don’t have”.
Same is the case I see with Muslims all over the world fighting for freedom, for independence, for moral values and for their integrity. I‘ve seen them bleed soon after their glorious period came to end when the Mughals were torn apart and the last coffin was nailed by dethroning the Ottoman Caliphate.
They are still bleeding whether be it Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Herzegovina and my mighty Palestine.
The Muslims of South Asia believe that they are a nation in the modern sense of the word. The basis of their nationhood is neither territorial, racial, linguistic nor ethnic; rather they are a nation because they belong to the same faith, Islam. On this basis they consider it their fundamental right to be entitled to self-determination. They demanded that areas where they were in majority should be constituted into a sovereign state, wherein they would be enabled to order their lives in individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S. A. W.). They further want their state to strengthen the bonds of unity among Muslim countries.
Let start it yaar,Don’t wait for any call from any friend, just believe in ur self u can really make a definite change to the system and to the society…Jaagoo Yaar because its not the war against territories it’s the war of ideology, ethics and believes.
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